Jack Evans has submitted his PhD thesis 'Simulations of Molecular and Extended Porous Materials'. Congratulations Jack!
To welcome our visitors from Dusseldorf (Prof. Christoph Janiak) and Leuven (Niels Houthuys) we took a bus trip to the beautiful Adelaide Hills with lunch at the Lobethal Bierhaus, beer tasting at the Prancing Pony brewery and wine tasting at Barristers Block.

Our paper in the Chem. Commun,. Emerging Investigators issue was just published. This is the fifth year of this issue. Check out our paper on the role of solvent in post-synthetic metallation of MOFs.
Michael Huxley from the Sumby-Doonan group in Chemistry is the 2015 recipient of the Cedric Stanton Hicks Research Scholarship. Congratulations Michael!
Jesse Teo took out the inaugural Tanya Monro Presentation Award and Witold Bloch picked up a best paper by an ECR at the IPAS New Year function.