Research associate Alex Burgun is presenting some of the group's work on 'matrix' isolation of catalytic intermediates in MOFs at ICCC-42 in Brest, France.  Alex's oral oresentation is "A Manganese Metal-Organic Framework as a matrix for isolating catalytic intermediates".  Good luck Alex!

Alex is also presenting a summary of his work involving alkyne chemtry, including work from his PhD to recent papers in the group, at a symposium to honour Prof. Claude Lapinte.

AuthorJack Evans

Alex Burgun's paper on Endohedrally Functionalised Porous Organic Cages was accpeted in Chem. Commun.  The paper describes a new synthetic strategy for these materials and the controlled synthesis of POCs with internally directed pyridine functional groups.  PSM of POCs....

AuthorJack Evans

Damien recently academically qualified for his PhD with his thesis "Metal-Organic Frameworks Containing Dihydroxy Motifs: Control of Phase Formation and Pore Environments".

Damien published four papers during his candidature and contibuted to several others.

  • Rankine, D., Keene, T. D., Doonan, C. J., & Sumby, C. J. (2014). Reprogramming kinetic phase control and tailoring pore environments in Coᴵᴵ and Znᴵᴵ metal-organic frameworks. Crystal Growth and Design, 14(11), 5710-5718. doi:10.1021/cg500978s
  • Rankine, D., Keene, T., Sumby, C., & Doonan, C. (2013). Chelation-driven fluorescence deactivation in three alkali earth metal MOFs containing 2,2’-dihydroxybiphenyl-4,4’-dicarboxylate. Crystengcomm, 15(45), 9722-9728. doi:10.1039/C3CE41253A
  • Keene, T., Rankine, D., Evans, J., Southon, P., Kepert, C., Aitken, J., . . . Doonan, C. (2013). Solvent-modified dynamic porosity in chiral 3D kagome frameworks. Dalton Transactions (Print Edition), 42(22), 7871-7879. doi:10.1039/c3dt00096f
  • Rankine, D., Avellaneda, A., Hill, M. R., Doonan, C. J. and Sumby, C. J. (2012). Control of framework interpenetration for in situ modified hydroxyl functionalised IRMOFs.  Chemical Communications 48 (83), 10328-10330. doi: 10.1039/C2CC35565E

AuthorJack Evans

Rosemary Young and Oliver Linder-Patton completed their Honours projects recently achieving 1st class Honours grades.  Rosemary's thesis was on the 'Effects of Structural Variation on the Antibacterial Properties of Silver Coordination Polymers', while Oliver studied 'Particle Size Effects in Flexible Crystalline Frameworks'.  Congratulations!

AuthorJack Evans